Questions for the CAS-PA were updated on : Feb 15 ,2025
What option on the breakdown source record helps provide views into whether you need to create
additional breakdowns or adjust data values?
When you select an indicator as the data source, you can filter the results by breakdown and
breakdown element.
If you have the 'Label for unmatched' field defined on the breakdown source for a selected
breakdown, this label appears in your choice of Elements.
Select the label to display scores that do not match any of the elements.
This option helps provide views into whether you need to create additional breakdowns or adjust
data values.
What data update settings can you enable for a single score visualisation to update the score in real-
Enabling Real time update from the data update settings updates a single score visualisation in real-
Show score update time shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated.
Background refresh interval (minutes) shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the
visualisation if you have navigated away from it.
With Live refresh rate (seconds), you can choose the frequency in non-decimal seconds to have a
single score reporting widget refresh. If set at '0', the score does not refresh.
How does KPI Signals support notifications?
To support notifications, the KPI Signals application provides automated signal detection jobs. For
formula indicators, you can modify the jobs to line up with the data collection jobs for the
contributing indicators.
The KPI Signals application includes jobs that detect signals automatically. These jobs run so
responsible users can be notified of new signals without opening the application. The job for signals
on formula indicators requires scheduling.
When you view an indicator in KPI Details and open the KPI Signals panel, that indicator is checked
for signals. You, therefore, always have the most up-to-date signals. However, the KPI Signals
application also has automated signal detection jobs. These jobs send notifications about signals to
subscribed users without them having the application open.
What 'related lists' are available on the formula indicator form? (Choose three.)
Here are the available related lists on the baseline configuration when navigating to the Formula
Indicators form: Breakdowns, Contributing Indicators, Time series exclusions, Targets, Thresholds,
and Diagnostic Results.
Signals is not an out-of-the-box related list on the Formula Indicators form.
Use the Contributing indicators related list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their
indicator sources. If you include another formula indicator in the formula, both that indicator and its
contributing indicators are listed.
Which of the following visualisation types allow you to add multiple data sources of the same type in
the UI Builder? (Choose two.)
You can add multiple data sources of the same type for time series (including Area, Column, Line,
Stepline, and Spline) and bar (including Horizontal bar and Vertical bar) visualisations.
Which of the following statements are true about creating User Experience filters? (Choose three.)
You can create a single filter for use across all the visualisations in a workspace.
Creating User Experience filters requires admin access.
The filter you create is available in the workspace in which you created it.
For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters.
What calendar type can you use to analyse scores using time periods?
Analyse scores using time periods from a custom business calendar instead of only the standard
When you are creating an Indicator Source, you can select either the standard calendar or a business
calendar defined on the instance.
If you use a business calendar, you can create data collection jobs that run on the Business Calendar:
Entry start or Business Calendar: Entry end times.
If you select a business calendar, you have the Calendar Frequency field. This field is required. The
business calendar you selected determines the range of available frequencies.
(Optional) If you have configured this indicator source to use a business calendar, set the number of
periods to retain scores and snapshots and find seasonal patterns.
What role or access do users need to act on a signal to reset a baseline or dismiss a signal?
Users with the admin, pa_admin, or pa_kpi_signal_admin role can reset a baseline or dismiss a
signal without being a responsible user.
Users with other roles must become responsible users to take such actions. These users also need a
role that gives them access to a relevant workspace.
You can assign responsibility for KPI Signals for a KPI to yourself or someone else. You can also
unassign responsibility.
Which of the following data update settings for single score visualisations shows the timestamp of
when the score was last updated?
Show score update time shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated.
Follow filters set for a workspace page. When enabled, the visualisation displays on a workspace
with the filters set by the page. Toggle off to disable a visualisation from accepting any filter input.
Background refresh interval (minutes) shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the
visualisation if you have navigated away from it.
Real time update updates score in real-time.
Which of the following are true statements about configuring pie, donut, and single score
visualisations in workspaces?
A pie visualisation shows how individual pieces of data relate to the whole using a circle to represent
the whole.
A Donut visualization shows how individual pieces of data relate to the whole using a donut shape to
represent the whole.
Single score visualisations display a single, key business value or current aggregate indicator score.
You can set a score to update in real-time.
The following enhancements are made to pie, donut, and single score visualisations in the Quebec
* The metric label name is displayed near the metric value.
* Legend percentages are shown along with values.
* Data labels are shown as only percentages, as values, or as both.
Gradient, texture, or no colour are not valid colour options for data display.
You can set 'default', 'colour palette' and 'fixed element colour' for pie and donut visualisations, and
'default' and 'single colour' for single score visualisations.
What role is required to create personal targets and thresholds for users who can view an indicator
on the Analytics Hub?
On the Analytics Hub, no roles are required to create personal targets and thresholds.
A threshold or a target can be personal or global.
A personal threshold or target is visible only to the user that created it.
A personal threshold appears as a light grey dotted line. A personal target appears as a dark line.
Personal thresholds and targets appear only on the Analytics Hub and KPI Details but not on widgets.
Which of the following are suggested when you type in a query on Analytics Q&A? (Choose three.)
When you use Analytics Q&A, the suggestions from previous searches are now shown together with
the suggested indicators, tables, and columns.
As you type in a query, Analytics Q&A suggests recent searches, indicators, tables, and columns that
match what you have typed so far. Only the tables and columns to which you have access are shown.
If Analytics Q&A cannot determine which table you want, it shows you up to three likely tables.
What is an easy way for a responsible user to get real-time updates on the signals for a particular
As a responsible user, you can receive email notifications about new or unresolved signals, anti-
signals, or any actions taken on signals.
You can configure how frequently you get these reminders and the maximum number of reminders
to get for a signal.
You no longer have to open KPI Signals and manually check each KPI for signals.
Scheduling a report for the signal data does not provide real-time updates.
Manually check the KPI for signals and monitoring the signal score on a dashboard requires the user
to constantly check for the updates without a pause, which is not easy.
How should an admin activate the KPI Signals?
You no longer have to activate the KPI Signals ( plugin. It is active by default.
If you do not want this feature, request a Now Platform administrator to set the property to false. Because this property does not exist by default, the
administrator must add it.
If you reactivate KPI Signals, signal detection resumes from the time you originally deactivated the
feature, not from the time you reactivated it.
What does anti-signal indicate in KPI Signals?