Questions for the 312-50 were updated on : Mar 07 ,2025
Email is transmitted across the Internet using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol. SMTP does not
encrypt email, leaving the information in the message vulnerable to being read by an unauthorized
person. SMTP can upgrade a connection between two mail servers to use TLS. Email transmitted by
SMTP over TLS is encrypted. What is the name of the command used by SMTP to transmit email over
Developers at your company are creating a web application which will be available for use by anyone
on the Internet, The developers have taken the approach of implementing a Three-Tier Architecture
for the web application. The developers are now asking you which network should the Presentation
Tier (front- end web server) be placed in?
Your business has decided to add credit card numbers to the data it backs up to tape. Which of the
following represents the best practice your business should observe?
What is the main security service a cryptographic hash provides?
A pen tester is configuring a Windows laptop for a test. In setting up Wireshark, what river and
are required to allow the NIC to work in promiscuous mode?
What is one of the advantages of using both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography in SSL/TLS?
When a security analyst prepares for the formal security assessment - what of the following should
be done in order to determine inconsistencies in the secure assets database and verify that system is
compliant to the minimum security baseline?
Why containers are less secure that virtual machines?
These hackers have limited or no training and know how to use only basic techniques or tools.
What kind of hackers are we talking about?
Bob, your senior colleague, has sent you a mail regarding a deal with one of the clients. You are
requested to accept the offer and you oblige. After 2 days. Bob denies that he had ever sent a mail.
What do you want to ""know"" to prove yourself that it was Bob who had send a mail?
In the field of cryptanalysis, what is meant by a “rubber-hose" attack?
What type of analysis is performed when an attacker has partial knowledge of inner-workings of the
Which of the following steps for risk assessment methodology refers to vulnerability identification?
Log monitoring tools performing behavioral analysis have alerted several suspicious logins on a Linux
server occurring during non-business hours. After further examination of all login activities, it is
noticed that none of the logins have occurred during typical work hours. A Linux administrator who is
investigating this problem realizes the system time on the Linux server is wrong by more than twelve
hours. What protocol used on Linux servers to synchronize the time has stopped working?
What is the minimum number of network connections in a multi homed firewall?